Westonbirt 10k 2016
Westonbirt 10k 2016 - showing 819 entries of 819
Race No | Firstname | Lastname | Club |
1 | Oliver | Letter | |
2 | Mark | Adkin | |
3 | helen | alcott | |
4 | Carol | Aleknavicius | Kingswood Triathlon Club |
5 | Kes | Aleknavicius | Kingswood Triathlon Club |
6 | TRACY | ALLAN | Bristol & West AC |
7 | Kate | Allchorne | |
8 | Peter | Allchorne | |
9 | Peter John | Allsopp | Almost Athletes |
10 | Darren | Andrews | |
11 | Shaun | Andrews | |
12 | Rebecca | Anthony | |
13 | Alison | Arnold | |
14 | Nicola | Arnot | Kingsway Runners |
15 | Paul | Arrondelle | |
16 | adam | ashley | |
17 | Paul | Ashton | North Bristol Running Group |
18 | Helen | Asprey | Swindon Shinsplints |
19 | Karin | Ayres | |
20 | Alison | Bailey | |
21 | Stephanie | Bailey | Chippenham Harriers |
22 | Helen | Baines | |
23 | Michelle | Balchin | Almost Athletes |
24 | Jerry | Baldwin | |
25 | Antony | Ball | Dursley Running Club |
26 | Kate | Ball | SGC Striders |
27 | Kelly | Ballard | |
28 | Jake | Banks | |
29 | Abby | Banwell | |
30 | Phil | Barker | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
31 | Lauren | Barnes | Chippenham Harriers |
32 | Sandy | Barnes | Kingsway runners |
33 | Steve | Barnes | Kingsway Runners |
34 | Andy | Barton | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
35 | Richard | Bashford | Hawkesbury Runners |
36 | Victoria | Bate | |
37 | Donna | Bateman | |
38 | Polly | Bates | |
39 | Lisa | Beachus | |
40 | Lisa | Beard | FERC |
41 | Sian | Beard | Kingsway runners |
42 | Adam | Beaumont | |
43 | Matt | Bell | |
44 | Matt | Bell | |
45 | Kevin | Benham | SWINDON STRIDERS |
46 | Emma | Bennett | |
47 | Lee | Bennett | |
48 | Nick | Bennett | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
49 | Ryan | Benson | |
50 | Sam | Bernard | |
51 | Martin | Bick | CLC Striders |
52 | James | Bickerstaffe | SWINDON STRIDERS |
53 | Jason | Bidwell | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
54 | Charlotte | Bignell | Stroud Valley Running Club |
55 | Nicola | Billis | Stroud Valley Running Club |
56 | Tracey | Bingham | Avon Valley Runners |
57 | Harry | Birch | |
58 | Jane | Birch | Almost Athletes |
59 | Richard | Birch | Cheltenham & County Harriers |
60 | kimberley | bird | Dursley Running Club |
61 | Mandie | Bird | |
62 | Meinir | Bird | |
63 | Rachel | Bird | |
64 | Louise | Birt | |
65 | Natasha | Bisp | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
66 | Kelly | BLAKE | |
67 | Louise | Blakeway | Kingsway Runners |
68 | Tom | Bloodworth | |
69 | Audrey | Bodman | North Bristol Running Group |
70 | Caroline | Bolam | |
71 | Sarah | Booth | |
72 | Charlie | Bootle | |
73 | Joanna | Borthwick | |
74 | Alison | Boswell | |
75 | Helen | Boswell | Stroud Valley Running Club |
76 | Huw | Bowles | |
77 | Adam | Boyd | |
78 | Julie | Boynes | Hogweed Trotters |
79 | Rebecca | Brace | SWINDON STRIDERS |
80 | Daniel | Brain | |
81 | Hayley | Brazier | |
82 | Sarah | Brewer | |
83 | Claire | brice | SWINDON STRIDERS |
84 | Kathryn | Broadhurst | |
85 | Tim | Brock | Almost Athletes |
86 | Roger | Brocklesby | Bristol & West AC |
87 | Richard | Broker | |
88 | Khirstie | Bromage | Kingsway Runners |
89 | Alexandra | Brown | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
90 | Katie | Brown | |
91 | Julie | Bryant | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
92 | tony | buckland | Stroud & District AC |
93 | Caroline | Bull | Westbury Harriers |
94 | Lindsay | Bull | |
95 | Craig | Bullingham | Almost Athletes |
96 | Hugh | Burchard | Bitton Road Runners |
97 | Rob | Burgess | Bath Amphibians Triathlon Club |
98 | Hilary | Burke | Tewkesbury Allrunners |
99 | Annette | Burnham | South Glos Striders |
100 | Paul | Burnham | |
101 | Catherine | Burnside | Swindon shin splints |
102 | Martin | Burton | |
103 | Mark | Butcher | |
104 | Kathryn | Butler | |
105 | Alison | Button | uka |
106 | Paul | Callinan | |
107 | cLARE | CAMPBELL | |
108 | Susan | Campbell | Bristol & West AC |
109 | Claire | Cannon | |
110 | Hannah | Carr | |
111 | Kirstie | carr | |
112 | Miranda | Carter | |
113 | Deb | Cartlidge | Almost Athletes |
114 | Andrew | Case | Stroud & District AC |
115 | Robert | Case | Stroud & District AC |
116 | Rosemary | Case | Stroud & District AC |
117 | Sarrah | Case | |
118 | Julie | Cassidy | |
119 | Margaret | Chandler | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
120 | Lisa | Chapman | |
121 | Dawn | Chappell | SLINN ALLSTARS |
122 | Cath | Chidley | |
123 | Sophie | Chilcott | |
124 | MARIEL | CHRETIEN | Almost Athletes |
125 | Emily | Ciezarek | |
126 | Nicholas | Claridge | |
127 | Samantha | Claridge | Kingsway Runners |
128 | Ben | Clark | Stroud Valley Running Club |
129 | Nicola | Clarke | |
130 | Caroline | Clayson | |
131 | Chris | Potter | |
132 | Bradley | Coates | CLC Striders |
133 | Sue | Coates | Stroud Valley Running Club |
134 | Catherine | cole | Calne SMaRTT |
135 | Kevin | Cole | Calne SMaRTT |
136 | Edward | Collier | |
137 | Jamie | Compton | |
138 | Sam | Compton | |
139 | Sam | Connell | |
140 | Amanda | Conway | Hogweed Trotters |
141 | John | Conway | Hogweed Trotters |
142 | Jane | Cook | |
143 | Chris | Cooke | |
144 | Chris | Coombs | |
145 | John | Cooper | Southville Running Club |
146 | June | Cooper | |
147 | Rosalind | Cooper | Stroud Valley Running Club |
148 | Caroline | Corbett | |
149 | Charlotte | Corbett | |
150 | Kate | Corcoran | |
151 | Matthew | Corkin | |
152 | Rachael | Cornish | |
153 | Lucy | Cosentino | Chippenham Harriers |
154 | Fionnuala | Costello | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
155 | Kirsty | Couch | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
156 | adrian | courtenay | Almost Athletes |
157 | Kathryn | Covey | |
158 | Steve | Cox | Bitton Road Runners |
159 | Katy | Crabtree | |
160 | Matthew | Crabtree | |
161 | Keith | Craddock | |
162 | Richard | Crampton | Stroud & District AC |
163 | Tommy | Cremin | |
164 | Sarah | Cromarty | |
165 | Kate | Cropper | |
166 | Lisa | Cropper | |
167 | Michele | Crossman | Just Jog Frenchay |
168 | Dan | Crowley | |
169 | Kate | Cruse | |
170 | Arabella | Culliford | |
171 | Diarmuid | Cullinane | |
172 | Samantha | Cunningham | Emersons Green Running Club |
173 | Alexandra | Curry | |
174 | Fiona | Dakin | |
175 | Martyn | Dangerfield | |
176 | Aidan | Daniel | |
177 | David | Daniel | |
178 | Chloe | Daniels | |
179 | David | Danton | Tetbury Royals |
180 | Julian | Danton | Chippenham Harriers |
181 | Nell | Darby | |
182 | Angela | Dare | Tewkesbury Triathlon Club |
183 | Shona | Darley | Dursley Running Club |
184 | Katy | David | |
185 | Lauren | Davidge | SWINDON STRIDERS |
186 | Jenny | Davie | |
187 | Ceinwen | Davies | Almost Athletes |
188 | HELEN | DAVIES | Avon Valley Runners |
189 | kim | davies | |
190 | Sophie | Davies | |
191 | Abbie | Davis | Kingsway runners |
192 | Beth | Davis | |
193 | Sophie | Davis | Stroud & District AC |
194 | Katie | Dawes | |
195 | Helen | Day | |
196 | Ruth | Deere | |
197 | John | Delafield | Dursley & District AC |
198 | Andrew | Delves | |
199 | Caron | Denison | |
200 | Liz | Dennys | |
201 | kate | derrick | westonbirt tri club |
202 | Liz | Gould | |
203 | Tom | Devitt | |
204 | Alan | Dickenson | Chippenham Harriers |
205 | Jennifer | Donkin | |
206 | Lucy | Dowie | |
207 | Kathy | Doyle | Swindon Shinsplints |
208 | Andrew | Driver | St Mary's Sport Centre Running & Triathlon Club |
209 | Amanda | Dudman | |
211 | Emma | Duncombe | Angels Running Club |
212 | Jane | Dunn | |
213 | Jane | Dunn | |
214 | Richard | Dunn | |
215 | James | Dutton | |
216 | Nicola | Dutton | |
217 | Anna | Earl | Calne SMaRTT |
218 | Victoria | Easton | |
219 | Andrew | Edgington | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
220 | Margaret | edney | |
221 | Seamus | Edney | |
222 | siobhan | Edney | |
223 | Caroline | Edwards | |
224 | Gary | Edwards | Swindon shinsplints |
225 | lydia | edwards | Charlton Kings Running Club |
226 | Phillip | Edwards | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
227 | Rachael | Edwards | |
228 | Robbie | Edwards | |
229 | Kate | Eedy | |
230 | Peter | England | Hogweed Trotters |
231 | Penny | Essex | |
232 | Colette | Etheridge | Kingsway Runners |
233 | J. | Evans | |
234 | Neil | Evans | Bitton Road Runners |
235 | Stephanie | Evans | Bitton Road Runners |
236 | Georgina | Eyre | |
237 | Dana | Fainaru | |
238 | Lucy | Fairall | Dursley & District AC |
239 | Joanna | Fallon | |
240 | Sarah | Farr | Almost Athletes |
241 | Claire | Farrow | |
242 | julie | fenn | Dursley & District AC |
243 | Sarah | Fennell | Almost Athletes |
244 | sHAUN | FERGUSON | |
245 | Christina | Ferreira | |
246 | John | Ferreira | |
247 | Lucy | Finch | Les slinn |
248 | Richard | Finch | Hogweed Trotters |
249 | Ruth | Finch | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
250 | Kirsty | Flaherty | |
251 | Lorraine | Fleming | Shin Splints |
252 | Suzanne | Flook | Almost Athletes |
253 | Vickie | Fluck | |
254 | Yvonne | Folliard | |
255 | Abi | Ford | |
256 | Claire | Forgione | Stroud Valley Running Club |
257 | Ian | Forward | |
258 | Melissa | Fox | |
259 | Sam | Franklin | Avon Valley Runners |
260 | Laura | Fraser | Kingsway Runners |
261 | Katie | French | |
262 | Mikaela | Frodin | |
263 | Julie | Froggatt | Dursley Running Club |
264 | Michael | Froggatt | Dursley Running Club |
265 | Andy | Frost | Stroud & District AC |
266 | Kenneth | Fullerton | |
267 | Beverley | Furber | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
268 | Simon | Furber | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
269 | julie | Furneaux | |
270 | Richard | Furphy | |
271 | Jade | Gabb | |
272 | Elspeth | Gait | |
273 | Nick | Gane | |
274 | Elizabeth | Garner | |
275 | TOMMY | GEORGE | |
276 | Christopher | Giles | |
277 | Emma | Gill | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
278 | lyn | gillam | |
279 | Dan | Gillians | |
280 | Helen | Glover | |
281 | rachael | goatman | |
282 | Sarah | Godwin | Chippenham Harriers |
283 | Amy | Gomer | Stroud & District AC |
284 | Amy | Gomer | |
285 | Ian | Goodall | |
286 | Ian | Goode | Highworth RC |
287 | Claire | Gordon | |
288 | Sarah | Gothard | |
289 | Laura | Gould | |
290 | Nicky | Grant | Dursley & District AC |
291 | Nicky | Gray | Nicky Gray |
292 | Keith | Green | Stroud Valley Running Club |
293 | Mandy | Green | Stroud Valley Running Club |
294 | Matt | Greenslade | |
295 | Penny | Greenwood | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
296 | Julie | Gregory | |
297 | david | griffiths | Avon Valley Runners |
298 | Sally | Grove | |
299 | Katrina | Guzzetta | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
300 | James | Hadley | |
301 | Darren | Hales | Hogweed Trotters |
302 | Naomi | Hales | |
303 | Dave | Halford | Dursley running club |
304 | Liz | Halford | Dursley Running Club |
305 | Anna | Hall | |
306 | Anthony | Hall | Bristol & West AC |
307 | Rebecca | hall | |
308 | Sue | Halley | SGC Striders |
309 | cathy | Hammond | |
310 | Karen | Harding-Smith | Chippenham Harriers |
311 | Susan | Hardy | |
312 | Gemma | Hargreaves | Almost Athletes |
313 | Jake | Harker | |
314 | Catherine | Harkness | Lady Runners of Cheltenham |
315 | Emma | Harris | |
316 | Fi | Harris | |
317 | Lucinda | harris | |
318 | Melvyn | Harris | Almost Athletes |
319 | Neil | Harris | Almost Athletes |
320 | Tony | Harris | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
321 | Claire | Harrison | Almost Athletes |
322 | Madeline | Harriss | |
323 | Sue | Hartley | Calne sMaRTT |
324 | Jonathan | Harvey | |
325 | Nicola | Harvey | |
326 | Naomi | Harvey-Parsons | |
327 | Wendy | Haskins | Almost Athletes |
328 | Rosdi | Hassan | |
329 | Amelia | Hastings | |
330 | Simon | Hawkes | Clevedon AC |
331 | Georgina | Hawkins | |
332 | Sarah | Hawkins | Kingsway Runners |
333 | Scott | Hawkins | |
334 | Simon | Hawkins | |
335 | Louise | Hayes | |
336 | Jeffrey | Hayman | |
337 | Aileen | heal | Brixham Harriers |
338 | Vaughan | Heard | |
339 | Jonathan | Heffer | |
340 | ANNELI | HENDY | Bitton Road Runners |
341 | Adrian | Henley | |
342 | Michelle | Henry | |
343 | Debbie | Heywood | Team Bath AC |
344 | RYAN | HICKMAN | |
345 | Zoe | Hill | |
346 | Caroline | Hill-Trevor | |
347 | Nathan | Hinder | |
348 | Andy | Hobbs | |
349 | Ian | Hobson | |
350 | Annie | Hodges | |
351 | Clair | Hodgson | |
352 | Eileen | Hodgson | Tetbury Royals |
353 | Richard | Hogg | |
354 | Andy | Holden | |
355 | Jamie | hone | |
356 | Pete | Hooper | Almost Athletes |
357 | Naomi | Hopes | |
358 | Karen | Hopkins | |
359 | Stafford | Horrocks | |
360 | Chris | Horseman | Stroud Valley Running Club |
361 | tony | horseman | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
362 | Judith | Hoskin | |
363 | Niall | Hoskin | Southville Running Club |
364 | Jessica | Hourston | |
365 | Mark | Hourston | |
366 | Kevin | House | HIGHWORTH RUNNING CLUB |
367 | Cottia | Howard | Almost Athletes |
368 | Ben | Howe | |
369 | Lucy | Howe | |
370 | Graham | Howell | Calne SMaRTT |
371 | jason | Howland | |
372 | Alex | Hudd | Run in Malmesbury |
373 | Jane | Hughes | Lady Runners of Cheltenham |
374 | Samantha | Hulin | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
375 | Larisa | Hunt | |
376 | Robert | Hunt | |
377 | Barbara | Hunter | Southville Running Club |
378 | Karen | Huntley | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
379 | Cairn | Hurst | |
380 | Michele | Hurst | |
381 | Faye | Ingram | Stroud Valley Running Club |
382 | Kerry | Irvine | Lady Runners of Cheltenham |
383 | Ritchie | Jackman | |
384 | Steve | Jackman | |
385 | Andrew | Jackson | CLC Striders |
386 | Helen | Jackson | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
387 | Libby | Jackson | Swindon Triathlon Club |
388 | Sally | JACKSON | |
389 | Tracy | Jackson | Angels Running Club |
390 | Colette | james | |
391 | Rachael | James | This Mum Runs |
392 | Steven | James | |
393 | Julianne | Jameson | Almost Athletes |
394 | Paul | Jameson | |
395 | Matthew | Jeffery | |
396 | Sue | Jeffery | |
397 | Darren | Jefford | Calne SMaRTT |
398 | Tracy | Jeffries | Tewkesbury Triathlon Club |
399 | Alexander | Jegtnes | |
400 | Amberley | Jenkins | |
401 | Carl | Jenkins | BOARS |
402 | Laura | Jennings | This Mum Runs |
403 | Philip | Jeyes | |
404 | Susan | John | |
405 | Steve | Johns | SLINN ALLSTARS |
406 | Ryan | Johnson | |
407 | tessa | johnstone | |
408 | Andrew | jones | Kingsway Runners |
409 | Beverley | Jones | SWINDON STRIDERS |
410 | Dawn | Jones | |
411 | Jemma | Jones | |
412 | Laura | Jones | BRISTOL BOOTCAMP COMPANY |
413 | Sam | jones | |
414 | Simon | Jones | Dursley |
415 | Suzie | Jones | Stroud Valley Running Club |
416 | Victoria | Jones | |
417 | Victoria | Jones | Weston Athletic Club |
418 | Tim | Jukes | |
419 | Christopher | Jurevicius | Stroud & District AC |
420 | Lewis | Kate | Fitquest Running Club |
421 | Linda | Keefe | Stroud Valley Running Club |
422 | Kerry | Kelley | |
423 | Zoe | Kelly | St Marys Sports Centre, Calne |
424 | Dave | Kelsey | |
425 | Emily | Kendall | |
426 | Adam | Kent | |
427 | Lisa | Kent | Almost Athletes |
428 | Craig | Keogh | Hawkesbury Runners |
429 | Richard | Kerr | Stroud Valley Triathletes |
430 | Rebecca | Kerslake | |
431 | Marie | Killerby | |
432 | Helen | Kimber | |
433 | Julie | King | This Mum Runs |
434 | Lorna | King | Calne SMaRTT |
435 | Mark | KIngdon | Bitton Road Runners |
436 | Costas | Kkolos | |
437 | Carolyn | Knott | |
438 | Michael | Knott | |
439 | Stephanie | Knott | SWINDON STRIDERS |
440 | Andrew | Knowles | |
441 | Laura | Knowles | |
442 | Oleg | Kostine | Stroud & District AC |
443 | Judy | Laddle | |
444 | Damian | Lai | Dursley Running Club |
445 | Clare | Langdon | Avon Valley Runners |
446 | Simon | Lansdowne | SLINN ALLSTARS |
447 | Penny | Latimer | |
448 | Rosie | Latter | |
449 | Charlotte | Lawley | |
450 | David | Lawrence | Almost Athletes |
451 | Laurent | Le Mentec | |
452 | Jody | Leahy | SLINN ALLSTARS |
453 | Annette | Leaver | |
454 | Wayne | Lee | Nailsea Running Club |
455 | Natasha | Lee-jones | N/a |
456 | Kate | Lees | |
457 | Kevin | Lewis | Swindon Shin Splints |
458 | Rebecca | Lewis | |
459 | Nicola | Lewton | SGC Striders |
460 | Maggie | Li | |
461 | Mark | Little | Stroud & District AC |
462 | Andy | Livingston | |
463 | Anita | Lloyd | |
464 | Bev | Lovatt | |
465 | John | Lovelock | |
466 | Keith | Low | |
467 | Claire | Mabbett | Tewkesbury Allrunners |
468 | Justine | MacAlister | Avon Valley Runners |
469 | James | Macgregor | Avon Valley Runners |
470 | Neil | MacLachlan | |
471 | Yukiko | Maehara | |
472 | Liam | Magee | |
473 | Mary | Mainwaring | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
474 | John | Mallone | Nailsea Running Club |
475 | PAUL | MANUEL | Avon Valley Runners |
476 | Dan | Marchant | |
477 | julie | margerum | SLINN ALLSTARS |
478 | Andrea | Marsh | |
479 | Andrea | Marsh | Kingsway Runners |
480 | Christopher | marsh | Kingsway Runners |
481 | Andrew | Marshall | Couch to 5 k |
483 | Marie | Martin | SGC Striders |
484 | ben | marvill | |
485 | hayley | marvill | |
486 | Avril | Masdin | |
487 | Erika | Masna | Calne SMaRTT |
488 | Vicki | Mason | |
489 | Alexia | Massey | |
490 | Lorna | Massey | |
491 | Lee | Masters | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
492 | Sara-Gwen | Mather | |
493 | Joanna | Matthews | |
494 | Josie | Matthews | |
495 | Chris | MAY | |
496 | Helen | McAloon | |
497 | Caroline | McBeth | SWINDON STRIDERS |
498 | Louisa | Mccann | Frenchay Runners |
499 | Lepha | McCartan | Almost Athletes |
500 | Holly | McDermott | |
501 | Katie | McGrath | |
502 | Helen | Mcleish | |
503 | Kate | Potter | |
504 | sara | mcMahon | |
505 | Gail | Mencner | |
506 | Jonny | Merrick | |
507 | Basil | Miles | SLINN ALLSTARS |
508 | charis | milham | |
509 | Amanda | Millichope | |
510 | Emily | Mills | Fitquest ARC |
511 | Leona | Mills | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
512 | Jane | Milne | |
513 | Joel | Mitchell | |
514 | Paul | Mitchell | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
515 | Rosamund | Mogg | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
516 | Christine | Moore | Chippenham Tri |
517 | Chris | Moos | Stroud & District AC |
518 | Ceri | Morris | |
519 | Matthew | Morris | Stroud Valley Running Club |
520 | Jason | Moss | Clevedon AC |
521 | mario | moyano | Spanish Armada |
522 | Liz | Mulligan | |
523 | Jon | Murgatroyd | Kingsway Runners |
524 | Charlotte | Mustafic | Stroud Valley Running Club |
525 | Claire | Mustoe | |
526 | Darren | Mustoe | |
527 | Liz | Naude | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
528 | Lindsey | Neale | Chippenham Harriers |
529 | Sam | Neale | Chippenham Harriers |
530 | Leahanne | Nelson | Kiss Gyms |
531 | Kate | Newbery | Charlton Kings Running Club |
532 | Tim | Newham | |
533 | Richard | Newman | |
534 | Sarah | newman | |
535 | Susan | Newman | |
536 | Penny | Nicholas | |
537 | Frances | Nichols | |
538 | Yesim | Nicholson | |
539 | Frederic | Nicolas | |
540 | Simon | Nicoll | |
541 | Matt | Nolan | |
542 | Rachael | Nolan | Almost Athletes |
543 | Lorraine | Norris | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
544 | Emma | Norvill | |
545 | Richard | Nuell | North Bristol Running Group |
546 | Stacey | O'Loughlin | |
547 | Tanya | Oakey | Stroud Valley Running Club |
548 | Andrew | Ogg | |
549 | Ben | Oliver | |
550 | James | Ovens | |
551 | Ruth | ovens | |
552 | Sabrina | Pace-Humphreys | Stroud & District AC |
553 | Laura | Padfield | |
554 | Nicola | Paice | |
555 | Naomi | Painting | Stroud & District AC |
556 | Andrew | Palmer | St Mary's running and triathlon club. |
557 | Charlie | Palmer | Dursley running club |
558 | Sharon | Palmer | |
559 | Denise | Parker | |
560 | Kerry | Parker | |
561 | Vicki | Parker | Stroud Valley Running Club |
562 | Carla | Parkes | |
563 | Garet | Parry | |
564 | Debra | Parsons | Emersons Green Running Club |
565 | patricia | parsons | Calne SMaRTT |
566 | Philippa | Parton | Kingsway Runners |
567 | Jennifer | Pearce | SGC Striders |
568 | Verity | Pearce | Cotswold Allrunners |
569 | Andy | Pearch | Kingsway Runners |
570 | Coralie | Pearson | Almost Athletes |
571 | Ray | Pearson | Almost Athletes |
572 | George | Penny | New Era Fitness |
573 | R | Penny | |
574 | Matt | Penton | |
575 | Andrew | Pepler | |
576 | Elizabeth | Perks | |
577 | Suzannah | Petit | |
578 | Darren | Pettit | SWINDON STRIDERS |
579 | Linda | Philips | Westbury Harriers |
580 | Bryony | Phillips | |
581 | Daryl | Phillips | Bristol & West AC |
582 | Nicola | Phillips | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
583 | Jacob | Pickering | Cheltenham & County Harriers |
584 | Samantha | Pickering | Cheltenham & County Harriers |
585 | Andrew | Pickford | SGC Striders |
586 | Lizelle | Pitman | |
587 | Lucy | Pitman | |
588 | Caroline | Pollard | |
589 | Caitlin | Pollok-Morris | |
590 | Rachel | Postlethwaite | |
591 | Clare | Powell | Calne SMaRTT |
592 | David | Powell | |
593 | Anna | Powell-Smith | Stroud Valley Running Club |
594 | Hayley | Pownall | Stroud Valley Running Club |
595 | Stephanie | Poyntz | North Bristol Running Group |
596 | Tom | Prater | |
597 | Sarah | Presley | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
598 | Alan | Price | Stroud & District AC |
599 | andy | Price | |
600 | Jolana | Price | Bristol & West AC |
601 | Katherine | Price | |
602 | Carrianne | Priddy | |
603 | Jane | Pritchard | |
604 | Lisa | Pritchard | |
605 | Matt | Pritchard | |
606 | Ashleigh | Promnitz | |
607 | Matt | Proome | Almost Athletes |
608 | Tracey | Prosser | |
609 | joanne | radford | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
610 | Lexi | Rae | |
611 | Janice | Rambridge | Team Bath AC |
612 | Karen | Ramirez | |
613 | Gynnette | Ranger-Walsh | |
614 | Lucy | Rathbone | |
615 | Susan | Rawle | |
616 | Samantha | Rawlings-Johnson | |
617 | Vanessa | Redmond | North Bristol Triathlon Club |
618 | Suzanne | Reeve | Witney Road Runners |
619 | Paul | Reeves | Stroud & District AC |
620 | Polly | reuter | |
621 | Kelly | Rice | |
622 | Paul | Richards | |
623 | Karol | Richardson | Swindon shinsplints |
624 | Peter | Ricks | SWINDON STRIDERS |
625 | Ursula | Ridgeley | |
626 | Mark | Rigarlsford | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
627 | Anna | Roberts | Women Running Network Bath |
628 | Michelle | Robertson | Stroud Valley Running Club |
629 | Graham | Robinson | Stroud Valley Running Club |
630 | Mary | Robinson | |
631 | Penny | Robinson | |
632 | Kelvin | Rogers | |
633 | Jane | Roscoe | PORTISHEAD RUNNING CLUB |
634 | Victoria | Roscoe | |
635 | Samantha | Roylance | SWINDON STRIDERS |
636 | Colette | Rudland | Vegan Runners UK |
637 | Karen | Rupprecht | |
638 | Ashley | Russell | |
639 | Natasha | Russell | |
640 | Claire | Ryall | |
641 | Anna | Ryan | |
642 | Kris | Rymer | Dursley Running Club |
643 | Alice | Saltmarsh | Stroud Valley Running Club |
644 | Yvonne | Sanford | Weston Athletic Club |
645 | Joanne | Scott | |
646 | Debbie | Seal | Dursley running club |
647 | Katherine | Sealey | Dursley Running Club |
648 | Lally | Sell | this Mum Runs |
649 | Bruce | sellers | Bristol & West AC |
650 | Nat | Selman | Stroud & District AC |
651 | Lee | Sessions | Kingsway Runners |
652 | Ali | Shaikh | |
653 | Alexis | Sharp | |
654 | Nancy | Sheppard | |
655 | Pinky | Shetty | Almost Athletes |
656 | Adrienne | shone | |
657 | Geoff | Shone | |
658 | Stephen | Shotton | |
659 | Rob | Sims | North Bristol Running Group |
660 | Nicky | Skeen | |
661 | JULIA | SLACK | Les slinn |
662 | Chris | Smart | |
663 | Gavin | Smith | |
664 | Helen | Smith | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
665 | Laura | Smith | |
666 | Mandy | Smith | Charlton Kings Running Club |
667 | Sam | Smith | |
668 | Samantha | Smith | Kingsway Runners |
669 | Theresa | Smith | |
670 | William | Snell | |
671 | Andrew | Soffe | |
672 | Sophie | Sparks | |
673 | Charlotte | Spencer | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
674 | Helen | Spilsbury | Emersons Green Running Club |
675 | Jack | Sprange | |
676 | Mark | Spring | Lloyd's Register Senergy Bath |
677 | Danielle | Squires | |
678 | Karla | Stancombe | Kingsway Runners |
679 | Sarah | Steel | AAS |
680 | Jacqui | Stephens | |
681 | Mark | Stevens | SLINN ALLSTARS |
682 | Oliver | Stevens | |
683 | Debbie | Stewart | Stroud & District AC |
684 | Owen | Stinchcombe | |
685 | owen | stinchcombe | |
686 | Rachael | Stinchcombe | |
687 | Claire | Stocks | |
688 | Gavin | Stoddart | |
689 | margaret | Stoddart | Mags |
690 | Catriona | Stokes | |
691 | Helen | Stokes | |
692 | Janet | Stone | |
693 | Samuel | Stone | Emersons Green Running Club |
694 | Nikki | Straughan | |
695 | Sarah | Street | |
696 | Garry | Strickland | Dursley Running Club |
697 | Zoe | Sumpter | |
698 | Duschanka | Sutherland | |
699 | Mark | Sutton | SLINN ALLSTARS |
700 | Rhodri | Sutton | |
701 | Val | Sutton | |
702 | Amanda | Swartz | Charlton Kings Running Club |
703 | Christopher | Sweet | |
704 | Clare | Swift | St Mary's Sports Centre Running & Triathlon Club |
705 | madelene | symone | |
706 | Adam | Tarling | |
707 | Beccy | Tarling | Team Bath AC |
708 | Chitra | Tarling | |
709 | Helen | Taylor | |
710 | Louise | Taylor | |
711 | Marie | Taylor | Hogweed Trotters |
712 | Stephen | Taylor | |
713 | Stuart | Temple | SLINN ALLSTARS |
714 | Anna | Thomas | Emersons Green Running Club |
715 | Helen | Thomas | |
716 | Huw | Thomas | Stroud Valley Running Club |
717 | Jackie | Thomas | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
718 | Marian | Thomas | |
719 | Martin | Thomas | Almost Athletes |
720 | Miriam | Thomas | Stroud Valley Running Club |
721 | Penri | Thomas | |
722 | Pippa | Thomas | |
723 | Simon | Thomas | |
724 | Julie | Thornton | |
725 | Tracey | Thorpe | |
726 | Carolyn | Thraves | Dursley Running Club |
727 | Steve | Tiernan | Stroud Valley Running Club |
728 | John | Tierney | Stroud & District AC |
729 | Vanessa | Tiffney | |
730 | Claire | Tiley | This Mum Runs |
731 | Kathryn | Tiley | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
732 | Neil | Tiley | SLINN ALLSTARS |
733 | Clare | Timbrell | |
734 | Beatrice | Timbrell-Whittle | |
735 | Samantha | Tomasi | |
736 | karl | TOMASIN | |
737 | Jennifer | Tomkinson | |
738 | Tracie | Tomlinson | Kingsway Runners |
739 | alan | tompson | Runner Beans |
740 | Jason | Townsend | |
741 | John | Townsend | |
742 | Richard | Townsend | |
743 | Robert a | Townsend | SWINDON STRIDERS |
744 | Stephen | Townsend | Stroud Valley Running Club |
745 | Nicola | Trott | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
746 | Neil | Truelove | Dursley Running Club |
747 | Bethan | Turner | |
748 | Naomi | Turner | |
749 | Sheila | Turner | |
750 | Jean | Turvey | |
751 | Geoff | Twinning | Stroud & District AC |
752 | Helen | Urbanowicz | |
753 | Zoe | Vale | |
754 | Antje | Van Dam | |
755 | Emma | Vass | |
756 | Jane | Vickers | Southville Running Club |
757 | Jake | Vincent | Frampton Cotterell Harriers |
758 | Rosie | Wagner | |
759 | karen | Wakefield | |
760 | Amy | Walker | GLOUCESTER AC |
761 | SARAH | WALLBRIDGE | Almost Athletes |
762 | Steve | WALLBRIDGE | Almost Athletes |
763 | Karen | Walsh | Sole Sisters North Bristol |
764 | Peter | Walsh | |
765 | Karen | Walters | Avon Valley Runners |
766 | Sarah | Walters | |
767 | Alison | Wannell | |
768 | Helen | Waran | Calne SMaRTT |
769 | Alison | Warbey | |
770 | Catherine | Ware | |
771 | Claire | Waters | Angels Running Club |
772 | Emma | Weatherall | |
773 | Rachel | Weaver | |
774 | Amy | Webb | |
775 | George | Webb | |
776 | Sally | Webber | |
777 | jamie | weber | |
778 | Martha | Wheeler | Bristol & West AC |
779 | Jon | White | |
780 | Teresa | White | Almost Athletes |
781 | Suzanne | Whitehead | |
782 | mark | whiting | |
783 | Alan | Wilcox | Bristol & West AC |
784 | Sheila | Wilcox | Bristol & West AC |
785 | Gareth | Wilkes | |
786 | Adam | Wilkins | |
787 | James | Wilkinson | |
788 | Tim | Williams | |
789 | Zoe | Williams | |
790 | Jan | Willmott | |
791 | Kate | Wills | |
792 | Craig | Wilson | North Bristol Running Group |
793 | Kate | Wilson | |
794 | John | Wixey | |
795 | Sai Yee | Wong-Walsh | |
796 | Sarah-Jayne | Wood | Swindon shin splints |
797 | Steve | Wood | Chippenham Harriers |
798 | Ben | Woodcock | |
799 | Nicola | Woodman | Almost Athletes |
800 | Ben | Woodruff | |
801 | Bernie | Woods | Almost Athletes |
802 | Joanne | Woodward | |
803 | Katherine | Woolford | |
804 | Ruth | Woolley | |
805 | Sarah | Worker | |
806 | Hannah | Worlock | |
807 | Anita | Wright | |
808 | Emma | Wright | Lady runners of Cheltenham |
809 | Renet | Wright | |
810 | Chris | Wroe | |
811 | ELIZABETH | WROE | |
812 | Charis | Wyatt | |
813 | Sarah | Wyatt | |
814 | Hyeji | Yang | |
815 | Zi Jian | Yeo | |
816 | Clare | Young | |
817 | Melanie | YOUNG | DSRA |
818 | Siti Zaidah | Zobir | |
819 | Cara | Zoglowek | Dursley Running Club |
820 | Lee | Zurybida | North Bristol Running Group |