Farnham Pilgrims Half Marathon Results
13 September 2015
The Farnham Pilgrim Half Marathon – Sunday 13 September 2015, 10:30am.
(See separate event for Full Marathon)
This race is entering its 6th year. It has become a very popular and successful event.
The route is mainly off-road and multi-terrain / multi-surface, on the extensive scenic footpaths and country lanes between Farnham and Guildford, in the Surrey Hills section of the North Downs. Some of the route follows parts of the historic Pilgrims' Way. The profile ranges between gently undulating and hilly. It is renowned for the large number of friendly marshals, and has frequent water stations.
Facilities include: Parking, Changing, Toilets, Supervised Bag Storage, Refreshments, Onsite Retailer, Race Timing, First Aid, RayNet Radio Coverage.
A Medal and Tech Shirt is given to all finishers, and winner, age category and team prizes are awarded.
The event is organised by The Rotary Club of Farnham Weyside (Registered Charity no. 1053391).
All net proceeds go to charities.
Contact: Lynda Pattie, Race Coordinator, Rotary Club of Farnham Weyside.
01252 242771 farnhampilgrim@gmail.com
Event website: www.farnhampilgrim.org.uk
Entry fee £25, or £23 for members of an affiliated running club.
Enter online with Full On Sport, www.fullonsport.co.uk, by 31 Aug.
After 31 Aug you can still enter online via www.runnersworld.co.uk (until 11 Sept).
Or by post by 1 September – print application form from www.farnhampilgrim.org.uk.
Entries also accepted on the day, subject to availability - £30.
See www.farnhampilgrim.org.uk for Terms & Conditions – and for further information on the route, profile, and latest news.
The organiser will send entrants an email in early Sept with any final details including arrangements for collection of race number bibs with timing chips (either early on the day near the start, or in Farnham during the 2 days before).
This information, latest news, and list of entrants, will also be available on the event website in the weeks before the event.
Please note that nothing will be sent out by mail.
Sands Recreation Ground, (opp. Barley Mow Pub), The Sands Village, Farnham, GU10 1NE
The Sands Village
GU10 1NE
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