Sodbury Slog 2015
08 November 2015
The 2015 Sodbury Slog is now full.
If you missed out charity places are now available running for MacMillan Cancer Support or FRANK Water two charities the Slog are proudly supporting this year. More details contact Philippa at FRANK Water or Kayley at Macmillan
Presented by Bitton Road Runners the Sodbury Slog is quite simply not for the faint-hearted! Forget roads - they're for wimps - this is a lung-busting, trainer-ruining, hill-climbing, multi-terrain challenge held over and through some of South Gloucestershire's most stunning countryside.
Attracting around 1300 runners annually the route uses the same paths, fields, ditches and mudbaths since it's original inception in 1990. The race always coincides with Remembrance Sunday and is preceded by exhortation, a two minute silence and playing of the Last Post, which sets the scene for a memorable day. The race is then started at 11:05.
For general information about the race, arrangements at the HQ and start/finish details click here.
For details of designated parking areas click here.
Entries open for the Bitton Road Runners - Sodbury Slog 2015 sponsored by Easy Runner Bristol on May 4th 2015
To keep costs down we are not sending race packs out in the post. Numbers and chips are to be collected on race day. Please allow extra time for this. The Runners Village will be open from 9am for number collection, changing, baggage drop, tea, coffee, cake, bacon butties etc.
By popular demand Terry the Tornado will be doing the warm up again this year starting at 10.40.
As its Remembrance Sunday, following the warm up will be the exhortation, a two minute silence and the playing of the Last Post. The race starts at 11:05. Poppies will be available on the day.
Full details of participants, directions, car parking, etc. can be found on the Full on Sport web site. Click Here.
There is plenty of parking in and around the Race Village. Please park legally and sensibly especially if not using the race car parks.
Bitton Road Runners are proud to be working with the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity. If you would like to raise money for this worthwhile charity please contact
Have a great race, run safe and above all enjoy the Slog
On line entry only via the Full on Sport web site - £15 for UKA affiliated runners, £18 for non-affiliated runners.
Entrants must be 17 yrs old on race day.
To keep costs down we are not sending race packs out in the post or sending out reminder emails. All information will posted on the Slog web site, Facebook and Twitter
A full list of the 2015 entries can be found on the Full on Sport web site or the Sodbury Slog
Follow the Slog on:
The Course
The route is varied, starting from Chipping Sodbury School, running along the wide High Street and onto Sodbury Common where the mud starts, the common is very marshy even in summer, and becomes very wet and boggy in November making the going especially tough.
Through the hamlet of Little Sodbury End into Tungrove Farm. A few watery excursions later and you are climbing towards the Cotswold Way, into the tree-lined drive of Little Sodbury Manor running past the Manor House then up through the woods on the Cotswold Way across the Roman encampment at Old Sodbury, following the Cotswold Way down to Hardwoodgate Farm.
Strategically placed bales of hay provide ideal obstacles where gates would normally grace your passage (leaving them open would just be too easy). All of which add to the spectacular scenery on the run and make it unique. A short road run takes you back to the school in a distance of 9.8 miles.
We aim to follow the same 9.8 mile route as 2014 but please don’t assume you know the route, follow the marshals directions at all times.
Bowling Road
BS37 6EW
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